
Debait, Third Grade Style

Excerpts from the Democratic debate in South Carolina;

Obama: “You lied when you said it.”

Clinton: “Oh yea? Says you.”

Obama: “No, says you.”

Clinton: “No way, you said it first.”

Obama: “Did not.”

Clinton: “Did too.”

Obama: “What if I did?”

Clinton: “I’m going to have Bill take care of you.”

Obama: “No fair.”

Clinton: “Yes fair.”

Obama: “That’s cheating.”

Clinton: “Is not.”

Obama: “Is too.”“He carries too much weight and is an unfair advantage. I’ll sic Teddy on both of you.”

Clinton: “So what? My Bill can whip your Teddy anytime?”

Obama: “He keeps telling lies and denigrating me.”

Clinton: “No way.”

Obama: “Yes way. He called me young, thoughtful and African American.”

Clinton: “So what? You are aren’t you?”

Obama: “Well yea, I guess.”

Clinton: “Then what’s the problem.”

Obama: “He said it, that’s all.”

Clinton: “So what?”

Obama: “It’s how he said it that matters.”

Clinton: “How did he say it that’s so bad?”

Obama: “He said it with a straight face. He made it sound like he was complimenting me”

Obama: “He was.”

Clinton: “Was not.”

Obama: “Was too.”

Clinton: “Was not!”

Obama: “Was too!”

Moderator: “If we could begin with our first question.”

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